Bike Safety Tips
It is important to know bike safety tips, especially if you are new to the sport. This article will cover what you need to know, including basic safety tips, hand signals, and how to avoid a collision.
Basic bike safety tips include wearing your helmet, properly maintaining your bike, and paying attention to motorists and pedestrians.
If you are riding with a partner or in a group, always ride in single file, being sure to leave enough space between bikes. Riding at night requires reflective clothing and illumination, such as headlights and taillights, on your bike or helmet.
Hand signals are an essential part of staying safe while riding your bike, especially if you are on a road with motorists. Utilize them to indicate when you are turning, changing lanes, and stopping. If you are riding in an area with pedestrians, you can utilize a bell or “Passing on the left” to indicate your presence.
Another important element of bike safety is recognizing potential hazards and paying attention while you are riding. Both the weather and road conditions can become hazardous to a cyclist.
Take caution if you are riding on a rough, uneven surface, as you can be more prone to falls. Slick, slippery road conditions can cause you to lose traction while cycling. Finally, keep an eye out for objects in your path that could cause you to lose balance or puncture a tire.
There are many actions you can take to decrease your chances of having a collision while cycling. Clothing with retro-reflective stripes and a brightly colored helmet will give motorists good visibility of your bike.
You should never wear headphones while riding. Be sure to keep both hands on your handlebars and both feet securely planted on the pedals. Always ride with the flow of traffic and not in the opposing direction.
It is important to note that most cycling deaths happen between 6 PM and 9 PM at night, with 75% of 2017 fatalities in urban areas compared to 25% for rural areas. When arriving at a busy intersection, be sure to use caution by coming to a complete stop and looking both right and left before continuing on your ride.
You will also want to ride in a predictable manner, especially when riding in traffic. Stay on a straight course as much as possible, utilizing hand signals, and avoid braking unless necessary.